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Midwest Creation Fellowship

MCF Student Essay Contest


To the Essayist: this is the information we give to Essay Judges to use in evaluating essays. We show it here to help you know what we're looking for, and how important are different requirements. You can download a PDF of this here.

Please use the following Guidelines when evaluating essays. Provided on the left is a point range which is associated with the description of the characteristics of the essay reflecting the judging criteria. The score should be recorded on the judge's sheet for recording results. The range gives some flexibility in judging, but it objectifies the criteria to some degree. Each judge will be looking for the same things when doing his/her evaluations.

  1. Biblical and/or scientific merit of the paper (Maximum of 30 points)
    • 25-30 Essay contains supporting Biblical/scientific information that is clearly organized and includes specific information.
    • 20-25 Essay contains supporting Biblical/scientific information that is somewhat organized but includes little specific information.
    • <20 Supporting Biblical/scientific information is not organized and includes little or no specific information.
  2. Ability to communicate ideas (Maximum of 25 points)
    • 20-25 Essay includes a thesis that clearly identifies the issue to be analyzed or clearly states the writer's position on the topic.
    • 15-20 Essay includes a thesis, but it does not clearly identify the issue to be analyzed nor clearly state the writer's position on the topic.
    • <15 Essay does not include or support a thesis.
  3. Creativity shown in the presentation (Maximum of 15 points)
    • 10-15 Essay presents meaningful new ideas, approaches, contexts, or relationships in exploring the thesis.
    • 5-10 Essay presents a few elements of original ideas, approaches, contexts or relationships in exploring the thesis.
    • <5 Essay presents a mere rehash of old ideas.
  4. Technical ability (Maximum of 20 points)
    • 15-20 Writer displays a command of grade-level grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
    • 10-15 Writer displays a basic knowledge of grade-level grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
    • < 10 Writer shows little or no knowledge of grade-level grammar, usage, spelling, capitalization and punctuation.
  5. Meeting of stated rules of the contest (Maximum of 10 points)
    • 3 Writer did not exceed the number of words.
    • 3 Writer typed and double spaced the text.
    • 4 Writer included footnotes/endnotes and/or a bibliography
      The vast majority of entrants should receive 10 points for Section E. The Director in charge of the contest will evaluate adherence to the rules on aspects that are hidden from the judges (e.g. name, address, school, etc.)